Thursday, March 14, 2013
Written by Bryan Finoki (@subtopes)[ABOUT]
Previous Posts
- Archeology of Espionage
- Russian Military Raining Churches-in-a-box from the Sky (Priests Included)
- Decoding Military Landscapes: #demilit
- Subtopia Lecture: Ruin Machine
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 30
- Subtopes B-lining to San Diego
- Hutong Cemeteries
- Over the Siege 2: Recycling the Wall
- Over the Siege
- The Green Yonder
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 29
- On Archiving the Architectural Signatures of Torture
- Sand Dragon
- “Little Guantanamo”
- Tunnelizing Migration 4: An Exploration in Void Reclamation
- An About Page (For Now)
- No Matter, a Border's Still a Border
- An Ode to the Anonymous Audience of Postopolis!
- Getting ready for Day 3 of Postopolis! LA
- Tunnelizing Migration 3: From Headwalls to Super Walls
- Floating Fences 1 (Imperial County)
- Postopolis! LA Fast Approaching
- Black Houses, Black Jails
- Tunnelizing Migration 1: The Border Tunnel Capital of North America
- Galleries for the Art of War Play
- The "Legislative Violence" of Gaza
- Captives of Lewis and Clark
- The Floating Labor Camps of the Now
- Snake Tunnels in Taliban Territory
- Asia's Underground Railroad
- Military Suburbanism: How to Plan for Pure War
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 28
- Inside Long Beach's New Panoptic Nerve Center
- The Return of POSTOPOLIS!
- LA's Surveillance Timeblades
- Towards a Nomadic Fortress [Refuge/Refugee]
- Occupying Slum
- Measuring DC's Inaugural Security Blanket
- Baghdad’s Post-Blast Wall Bibliothèque
- A Few Reads on Gaza
- The Spatial Instrumentality of Torture: An Interview with Tom Hilde
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 27
- The Killer Drone's Afghani Hive
- Ladder
- A Portrait of Pirates
- Scarecrow Hacking at the Border
- Redefining Walls
- When Voting Blocs Collide…
- A Subtopian Rainbow Under Your Feet
- Great Walls of Fire
- The Millipedic Limbs of Military Spending
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 26
- Of Declarations and the Immigrant Imaginary
- From a Semi to a Fully Automatic Border
- A Scarecrow Empire
- Cloning The Border Abroad
- Afghanistan's Compounds of Water Wealth
- Conflict Signatures and Nomadic Light
- Another Dammed Border Fence Floodzone
- Getting Ready for a Radical Roundup in Denver
- Flooding the Border with Security Preserves
- Subtopia goes Mute
- Great Wall 6?
- "Prisoner Boxes"
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 25
- An Olympic Distraction
- In the Wake of The Devil's Breath
- Baghdad's Teetering Floors
- Shipping Justice
- A Perpetual Motion War On Terror
- Inertia Gems
- Inside 61, 600 sq. ft.
- Blackwater's Border Bypass
- ME$EX 2008
- of Steel and Bone
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 24
- The Vertical Stage of War
- Just Another British Torture Sanctuary?
- where truces and cease fires grow on trees…
- The Rise and Fall of Blackwater in Potrero
- Blackwater bubbling under the border skin...
- The Storefront is getting a little 'military urbanism' makeover
- Torture Space: Architecture in Black
- Absolut Mexico!
- "Block D" Enters the Pantheon of GWOT Space
- Al Quds Street, Sadr City
- Missin' the AAG '08
- The Desert Pearl of Privatopia
- The Art of Jumping Fences
- In the Business of Blast Walls
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 23
- Policetown, UK
- Suicidal Urbanism: The City as IED
- Blackwater packs it up in Potrero
- Walling Up the Rio Grande
- The Urban Radiologist
- Upon Closer Examination of 'The Gates'
- Subtopia, back from the dead, with eternal thanks to Pruned!
- MOUT Urbanism
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 22
- Hot Rod Border Facades
- Camp 7 and The Platinum Captives
- Via Anelli's Wall
- A small death in the nomadic fortress' bosom
- Diagnosing Slum
- My very own border outpost
- Subtopia at the border...
- Volume : OUA : Subtopia
- In the White House's Shadow
- The Young and the Restless [Subtopia in San Diego]
- Floating Prisons, and Other Miniature Prefabricated Islands of Carceral Territoriality
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 21
- A new multiplicitous wall regime
- Resisting Blackwater Sprawl
- Squatter Imaginaries
- An Exceptional Paradise
- Centre 127
- Tracking Border Ghosts with Ronen Eidelman
- A Dialogue on Walls with Jay Isenberg
- Justice Barred
- A Camp Called Justice
- If there is life in Flint...
- Fossils of Refuge
- Switchboard Regime
- Return to Panic
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 20
- the Wall around Adhamiya
- De-swastikating the aerial landscape
- Imperial Blue
- Welcome to the Ring Dome
- The Wall as Mayor
- The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 2)
- Subverting "Military IKEA"
- "Fenceland" (The Greatest Show On Earth!)
- Surge Walls
- On the trail of a humane architecture...
- Border Shots: UT/NV line, wendover
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 19
- Subtopia in Architect Magazine
- Wall as Narrator
- Just Space(s)
- The Rule of Law Complex
- G8 Walls
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 18
- The Politics of the Car Bomb
- The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 1)
- Hydrologic border suture
- Stacking Fear
- Re-urbanizing the Homeless
- Tent City Surveillatopia
- The Rat-Proof Fence
- Fronteres
- The Military Planks of Capital Accumulation: An Interview with Neil Smith
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 17
- Looney Tunes at the border...
- Intersections with Informality
- Underneath the Armory
- Extreme Border Sports
- An Exodus with Nowhere to Go
- The Art of Fencestration
- The DARPA Trip
- Balochistan Divided
- The Automated Border
- Subtopia Meets Lebbeus Woods
- The Great Wall of Music
- Post-Postopolis! Blues
- The Birth of the Red and White Pole
- Border Bound
- Subtopia heads to NYC
- Babylon's Crowning Achievement
- 2 Books on Ireland's Haunted Walls
- 'Enclosure, Emancipatory Communication and the Global City'
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 16
- Urbanization of Panic
- Inhabiting The Wall
- Postopolis!
- Concrete: Canvas of Resistance
- Bunker Touring in Berlin
- The Great Urban Divide
- Border to Border, Wall to Wall, Fence to Fence
- The Secret Making of an Execution Chamber
- Peering into the Arenas of War
- The "Village"
- Casting the SBINet
- Stealth Wall Removal
- the graveyard of a defiant architecture at war
- Camping
- Tracking Blackwater in Potrero
- (also) at the checkpoint ...
- At the Checkpoint
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 15
- The State of FEMA
- Inside the Danger Room
- The Green Line
- Face to Face
- Gitmo Courthouse Compound goes bye bye
- A Lonely Cyclops
- Towards a New Visualization of Secrecy?
- Doing Time on Christmas Island
- carceral urbanism: the CMU and the Arab round-up
- Guantánamo and the Border Exodus
- Baseworld Archipelago Meltdown
- Wes on the Rust Belt
- Bunker Sprawl
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 14
- Repurposing the Settlements
- Circus of Detention
- 31 days in Iraq
- (un)Documented Disappearance
- On Border Tunnel Infill
- Fantasy Prison
- Terminal in Bethlehem
- The Slippery Slopes of Chaos
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 13
- U.S. vs. Mexico (Border Ball is On!)
- ... and flying Pentagons, too.
- Day Laborer Space
- Facing the Wall
- Border Fences-R-Us
- Semiotic-mania at the border...
- Orwellian Wormholes
- The Sectarian Faultlines of Baghdad
- "Sweet Tea"
- A "Military Sublime"
- Unbuilt/Unrentable
- an unordinary seam where sky and sand meet
- Great Wall Preservatives
- Architectural Clairvoyance and the Spaces of Terrorist Prevention
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 12
- Little Hidden TeleTerrain
- DIY shelters save an ancient city
- A Bunker Reborn
- Entropic Landscapes
- A Porcelain Fence
- 'Tactical Infrastructure' and the 'Border Calculus'
- A Mini-city for Trying Terror
- Wall(s) of Light
- The Participatory Panopticon at the border...
- Resist the Apartheid Walls, from Palestine to Mexico
- "the garbage settlement"
- Some Border Events
- Ceuta and Melilla
- 'Conflict Urbanism': City of Collision
- Cross-country pod-hoppin'
- the innovation of desperation.
- More Fence Sprouts
- a little guardian angel barricade...
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 11
- An Embroidered Wall
- "The Rain Forest" of Iraq
- Non-borders, Anti-borders, and the Run-on border
- MexiCali Style
- The Saudi's Immigrant-hunting Border Fence (the nomadic fortress part 2)
- Maps, Maps, Maps
- Squatter-Mimicry
- The Internal Fringes of America
- Cities as Impostors
- Padua's Berlin Wall
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 10
- 'Urbanites of Surveillance'
- The Liminal Architects
- Mount Weather Gets a Little Facelift
- carceral urbanism: San Pedro Prison (Bolivia)
- Through the Turnstile
- Borderline Vertigo
- Ruins of Lebanon
- Touring the Greenbrier
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 9
- Strange New World
- Secret Cities of the A-Bomb
- War as Vacation
- (In)visibility: A Portrait of the Globalized Family
- Brutal Urbanism
- Welcome to America
- Call it 'Border Ball'
- Subfuturism Under Tokyo
- Life Under Bombs
- Captive landscapes: Post-Base residue in South Korea
- The Immigrant, The Camp, and The NYSE
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 8
- Tijuana River Re-realized
- Cruz along the border...
- Migrant Structures
- Violent Architectures
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 7
- 'Military Omniscience'
- Area 71
- Evaporating Palestine
- carceral urbanism: a life in Ethiopia's sewers...
- An Equator of Borderzones
- Security as status symbol
- Imaging Mugabe's Squatter Urbicide
- Sim Baghdad
- Washington's New 'Survival City'
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 6
- War Room
- An Inadvertent Fortress Moat
- DIY infrastructure
- Carceral Wombs
- An Apartheid Travel System
- Congrats to Eyal Weizman
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 5
- KBR, Iraq
- Educide
- Rival Actions: at the border...
- Cities Made by War
- Three Ehxibits: on Walls & Political Divide
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 4
- Life after slums
- A Silo Full of Cash
- Secret Soviet Submarine Base
- More Camouflage Jazzercise
- Fortress Baghdad
- Seeing Elsewhere
- Genealogy of the 'Car Bomb'
- Of cities and security
- The 'Long War' enters its capsule
- Kathmandu, Under Lockdown
- The Underground Geographer
- Mine Awareness
- Subterranean Urbanism
- Vegas, baby!
- Apocalypse Inc.
- Clean Air Bombs
- Classic Shelter
- Wes Janz Interview
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 3
- S.W.A.T. Nation
- The Gates of Hydrological War
- Tokyo Secret City
- Bunker Archaeology
- Hiding in perspective
- Our favorite color camouflage
- in the Urban Periphery of Monterrey
- A Preamble to Insecticide (pt. 1)
- urban syntax: at the border...
- The Militarization of Space
- Slum Ecology
- Walkthrough Gitmo: the de-restricted fortress
- Virtual Police State
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 2
- "Thinking of Walls"
- Border CTRL
- My mushrooms eat bombs for breakfast
- AirWater machines for guerrilla infrastructure
- (W)architecture & Identity
- "New City" Najaf
- Borderville
- Suiting Wasps for War
- Dig Dug & the Deep Digger
- Globalization of Forced Migration, and the nomadic fortress
- FEMA, Wasted
- Instant Democracy: The Pneumatic Parliament
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 1
- CCTV as Icon
- Architects of Nebulous Detention
- The Guns that guard The Guns
- Cutting to (and from) The Chase
- fortress urbanism: Super Bowl City (Detroit)
- Atomic Monarch (Danaus Plexippus: Plutonium Lepidoptera)
- Tent City Urbanism
- Post-apartheid carceral territoriality
- a 'Pet Rock' for her Majesty's Secret Service
- Battlespace Media
- Humanitarian Colonialism
- Smugglers' Paradise Uprooted
- [Re] improvising sub_Base landscapes
- 'Everybody Is Somebody's Terrorist'
- Good Buildings, Bad Buildings
- GoogleMapping War
- We Build – We Fight
- Earth bubbles
- Living in Olivion
- Withus Oragainstus
- "Architect of Ruins"
- Post-DMZ Paradise
- Blast Scapes
- Booby-trap Country
- The Panoptic Arcade
- War Play
- Bethlehem Prison City Gates
- Digging with Bombs
- Locative Sniping
- Secret Synagogue
- The Entomomechanophilic Army
- nomadic urbanism: future FEMA slugs?
- Mt. Seemore and the watchful gaze
- Shopping Guide 2: gasping for last minute gifts
- The Albino Hummer
- monkmobiles for bulletproof Buddhas
- CCTV Trees
- Shopping Guide 1: 'the gift of a gun'
- from Leftover-Bunkers to Tourist-Traps...
- Green Grenades
- and BattleBoxes for All...
- A "Closed Atomic City": Open for Business
- Bioluminescence of Chemical Warfare
- From 'Happy Meal' to 'BattleBox'
- 2 nomadic urbanisms
- Baseworld Archipelago
- Peripheral Milit_Urb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
- The Spatial Instrumentality of Torture: An Interview with Tom Hilde
- Tracking Border Ghosts with Ronen Eidelman
- A Dialogue on Walls with Jay Isenberg
- The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 2)
- The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 1)
- The Military Planks of Capital Accumulation: An Interview with Neil Smith
- Subtopia Meets Lebbeus Woods
- One Small Project: Wes Janz
- Hitching Stealth with Trevor Paglen
- De:constructing Recidivism: Interview with Raphael Sperry
Past Events
Postopolis! LA (March 31 - April 4, 2009)

Guest Speaker at Ball State University, Indiana, Sept. 18 - 23, 2007 & Sept. 30 - Oct. 5 in SoCal (U.S.-Mex. Border Crawl)
"Towards a Humane Architecture" (with Wes Janz) / Photo by Neal Oshima, October, 2006
Postopolis! at the Storefront in NYC, May 29 - June 2, 2007.

Coverage: Flickr : YouTube : City of Sound : BLDGBLOG : Subtopia : Inhabitat : Archinect
Guest Speaker at The Young and the Restless Lecture Series at Woodbury University School of Architecture, Thurs., Jan. 24th, 7:00PM, San Diego, CA, & Fri. Jan. 25th, 7:00PM, at Estacion Tijuana, Tijuana, Mexico.
in the Periphery...
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- October 2009
- June 2010
- March 2012
- March 2013
- Sonic Warfare
- Lebbeus Woods (blog)
- things
- Pruned
- Archinect
- Super Colossal
- anArchitecture
- gravestmor
- Bouphonia
- Border Battles
- Beat Diaspora
- Landskip
- Danger Room
- 27B Stroke 6
- New Mobilities
- MountainRunner
- archive: s0metim3s
- The Living War Memorial
- borderlands
- Magical Urbanism
- Defense Tech
- phronesisaical
- City of Sound
- CityStates: The IUS Blog
- Earth Architecture
- Bombs and Shields
- Forced Migration Current Awareness
- John Robb's Blog
- Global Guerrillas
- Schneier on Security
- Global Heartland
- The Architecture of Fear
- Architectures of Control
- Arms Control Wonk
- Sharon Weinberger
- we make money not art
- Critical Spatial Practice
- Hajo Schilperoort
- Architecture My Ninja Please
- Progressive Reactionary
- Space and Culture
- Network Culture
- squattercity
- Enjoy Surveillance
- Homeland Security Watch
- Secrecy News
- Human Security > Cities
- at the border...
- Smart Mobs
- Informalism
- Migrant Matters
- Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
- aggregät 4/5/6
- Inhabitat
- Monocle
- Anonymous 1%
- Alien Intelligencer
- Polar Inertia
- javlog
- Proyectos 6y7
- Unbuilt / Prishtina
- Sprol
Some Spectral Browsing
- The Divide
- The Politics of Verticality: Eyal Weizman
- The Art of War: Eyal Weizman
- Lethal Theory: Eyal Weizman
- Switching Socieities Off: Stephen Graham (pdf)
- Who's Responsible?: Derek Gregory
- AFH: Open Architecture Network
- One Small Project
- Subterranea Britannica
- Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
- SAFE: Design Takes On Risk
- INDEX:2005 Design to Improve Life
- SonicAnta
- Shelter Associates
- Virtual Security.Net
- Human Security > Cities
- Hyperborder
- delete The Border
- Why We Fight (a film by Eugene Jarecki)
- Arsenal of Hypocrisy
- BLDGBLOG: Mike Davis Interview pt. 1 & 2
- Archinect: Re(di)stricting Urbicide
- BLDGBLOG: A miniature city waiting for attack
- BLDGBLOG: Psychovideography / 'Fortress Urbanism'
- BLDGBLOG: Thousand Mile Colosseum
- Archinect Feature: Hitching Stealth
- 2005: at the border...
- Archinect: Architectural Demolition in the Age of Cultural Cleansing
- Pruned: Tactical geoannexations
- Pruned: Earth-Fountain Redux
- Pruned: Notes on Some Selections...
Some Books
- Indefensible Space: Micheal Sorkin
- Hollow Land: Eyal Weizman
- Violent Geographies: Gregory & Pred
- The Colonial Present: Derek Gregory
- City of Collision: Misselwitz & Rieniets
- Cities Under Siege: Steve Graham
- Space and Power: Paul Hirst
- Splintering Urbanism: Steve Graham
- Military Fortifications: Dale E. Floyd
- Buda's Wagon: Mike Davis
- City of Panic: Paul Virilio
- Shadow Cities: Robert Neuwirth
- City of Quartz: Mike Davis
- Design Like You Give a Damn: Sinclair & Stohr
- Planet of Slums: Mike Davis
- The Destruction of Memory: Bevan
- Bunker Archaeology: Virilio &
- War and Architecture: Lebbeus Woods
- Against the Wall: Michael Sorkin
- Cities, War, and Terrorism: Steve Graham
- Fortress America: Matthew Brzezinski
- Fear & Space
- Corporate Warriors: P. W. Singer
- The Making of the Mexican Border
- Barrio Urbanism: David R. Diaz
- Quonset Hut: Metal Living For The Modern Age
- Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers Under French Rule: Zeynep Çelik
- Weapons Grade: David Hambling
- The Next Jerusalem: Michael Sorkin
- Urban informality: Roy & Alsayyad
- Land, Rights and Innovation: Mutter & Payne
- Informal City: Caracas Case: Brillembourg, Feireiss & Klumpner
- Survival City: Tom Vanderbilt
- Post-Military Society: Martin Shaw
- Proving Grounds: Scott Kirsch
- Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy
- Studio at Large: Bell, Palleroni & Merkelbach
- Domesticity at War: Beatriz Colomina
- Contested Lands: Sumantra Bose
- All words on this blog are the intellectual property of the author Bryan Finoki except where otherwise noted.