Subfuturism Under Tokyo

Saw this on Boing Boing and could not resist posting it here. Kaori Nishida for PingMag spoke with Joe Nishizawa, a photographer and author of what looks like an amazing new book, Deep Inside. Check out these unbelievable pics of nuclear power stations, incineration plants and energy research organizations burried just below Japan's impeccable hyper cityscape. Thus, a glimpse of the marvelous technological building blocks of what looks like a certainly unreal future urbanism taking alien root inside the earth, like some kind of subter-metropolitan cross between Fritz Lang, Bladerunner (as Nishida points out) Chris Cunningham, and maybe Survival Research Laboratories; these photos (yes pure photography) crack some light into the complex underbelly of Japan's subtopian sublime waiting to churn, as if these engineered forms will somehow take control and make the island move one day. Nishizawa talks about the Tokya Geo-site Project in which the Hibiya Joint Utility Tunnel was opened to the public "in the middle of just an ordinary park-like field, but opening a thin door," he says, "you get to experience a totally different futuristic world." I can only imagine. Pictured are also the Tokyo Tunnelix which "opens the Central Circular Shinjuku Route construction site to the public."

[Images: Deep Inside by JOE NISHIZAWA. There are a couple more so read this good little interview in PingMag. And on a related tip check out Geoff's earlier post: Tokyo Secret City]
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