Peripheral Milit_Urb 27

[Image: Jewish settlers rampaged on Palestinian homes, burning residents' laundry on clotheslines and damaging a garden as settlers from Kiryat Arba, adjacent to Hebron, watched from the wall above. Jewish settlers took revenge on Palestinians after Israeli troops forcibly evicted 200 Jewish settlers from a contested home in Hebron. Photo: Rina Castelnuovo for The New York Times.]
Manuel DeLanda, ‘Democracy, Economics and the Military’ : Saskia Sassen: The New Wars and Cities: Something Is Changing : One Man’s Military-Industrial-Media Complex - Series : War crime tribunals facing crisis as staff quit : The Scientific Way of Warfare : Authorlab: Dr. Antoine Bousquet, Geoff Manaugh (BLDGBLOG) and Antoine Bousquet (School of Politics and Sociology, Birkbeck College) - Feral Cities and the Scientific Way of Warfare : Chaoplexic Urbanism, The Laws of War, and the Rhetoric of Science - SYMPOSIA - The Complex Terrain Laboratory : Mumbai Aftermath: A Hard Look at Soft Targets and Tactics : Tomgram: Arundhati Roy, The Monster in the Mirror : The Economic Organisation of a P.O.W. Camp, R. A. Radford, Economica, vol. 12, 1945

[Image: Inside the USS Cole War on Terror Naval Simulator - USS Trayer Disaster Training Facility]
Massive 'Homeland Defense' Joint Exercise Is Under Way : InfoVis Keynote: Command Post of the Future : The ACLU demands info on domestic military deployments : 'The Culture of War' by Martin van Creveld : Navy charters kite-powered cargo ship to deliver equipment

[Images: Giant Iceberg Aircraft Carrier: Massive white slabs of steaming ice, churning through the sea, carrying hundreds of aircrafts...]
Inside Saddam Hussein's yacht : Political Violence and the Novelist : Alternative Information Center - Land and Housing Rights in al-Issawiya, Israeli Occupied East Jerusalem : Gaza City in darkness as Israel halts fuel shipments : Trapped in Gaza with a Fulbright scholarship : ACLU probe: Denver police staged protest at DNC : How I Spent Election Night in a Baltimore Jail : The Secret House of Congress : The Presidential Transition and Secrecy

[Image: New Presidential Cadillac Limousine Caught - "the "Obama-mobile"!]
Bomb resistant Architecture and Design competition from the Home Office - will the new US Embassy in London be next ? : British firms barred from US Embassy competition : magine 500 people dying in a suicide bombing in Trafalgar Square: how the Home Office promotes anti-terror design | Politics | : Counterterrorism competition blasted - Building Design : New Capitol Hill Visitor Center Welcomes Democracy Nuts

[Image: The Church Militant by Kris Kuksi.]
The Flying Spaghetti Monster: The American military space program in perpetual crisis : From the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. Militarization of Strategic Energy Corridor : The Unlikely Green Revolution of the US Military, Army Green: Not Just a Color Anymore?
DefenCell rapid deployment temporary vehicle barrier and blast wall installed at Gatwick Airport : The Battle Over Greenwich Village’s Washington Square Park : With Shot and Shell or "Modular Crowd Control Munitions" : Where the Traffic Median Is a No-Pilates Zone

[Image: Hyper-surveilled handbag in shop-window]
Surveillance & Society / Smart Borders and Mobilities: Spaces, Zones, Enclosures Vol. 5, Issue 2 : Giant database plan 'Orwellian' : Europe eyes airport X-ray vision : City's secret cameras : Surveillance technology is getting smarter : ”Panopticon” 2008 : The GreenDot Project : Spy Cam Hides Inside an ID Card : Wirelessly, Home Security Becomes a D.I.Y. Project : Californian prisons employ robotic scouts : APPLE'S EYEING YOU : New York Police Fight With U.S. on Surveillance : This police cruiser scans license plates, sniffs out 'dirty' bombs : The TSA Does Not Like Your Luggage : Grenade camera to aid UK troops : Stores paint ads on roofs for satellite map services : Google’s Gatekeepers : 'Mind-reading' software could record your dreams

[Image: Blueprints for Auschwitz camp found in Germany Photo: SIMON NORFOLK.]
Mega-Mosque as Ghetto Catalyst? : Forgotten cradle of the space age : Ebola Island : Floating to save the L.A. River : Diefenbunker indulges your nuclear nostalgia : Experience: I escaped from a death camp : Labor camp escapee tells of harrowing tale : U.S. military provides clean water for Honduras storm victims : Last call for Berlin's Tempelhof airport : Parade casts long dark shadow : Museum of Tolerance atop Muslim cemetery: update, Architects Against Museum of Tolerance : Echoes of conflict 90 years on : Exhibition remembers World War I : A Missile Base Called Home : Baghdad Bridge Where Hundreds Died Reopens : Blinkx Video: Kingsway Tunnels London, ex-MI6 complex up for sale, History Included : The Architecture of Authority : Military Town Real Estate Remains Unfazed by Housing Bust : Improvised Basement Fallout Shelter from The Late 1960s : Man didn’t know he lived above a bomb shelter : Soviet bunker as theme park : Climate changes may lead to violence, experts warn :

[Image: Winning Designs for New International Criminal Court Building Have Been Selected. Springall + Lira / BGP aruitectura, México DF, México.]
Korean demilitarized zone now a wildlife haven : Currently Under Construction: Gray World : 'Does this look like a hospital?' : A Museum of Conflict in Libya? : The prayer booth: an artist’s “exhibit” of faith : The contemporary art museum in the middle of a Brazilian tropical park : Re-use of anti-atomic shelter : Thoughts become clear way down in missile silo : Siegfried Line working for Germany’s wildlife : The Blue Marble: Making Iraq Fertile : Norman Foster must keep hands off Mecca : Israel's "Auschwitz borders" revisited : Holiday camp with a Nazi past : Hands of Death

[Image: 'Revolutionary' War-Tracker Aims for Upgrade]
The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Terrorists : U.S.-Iraq Deal Could Mean Jail Time for Contractors : Next Vacation Stop: Swiss Nuclear Bunker : High-Tech 'Bat-Ship' Still Needs Work: Report : 'Artificial Intuition,' Earthquake Detectors vie for Pentagon Prize : Future Uniforms to Dole out Drugs, Redefine Self-Medication : What Obama Means to America's 'Info Ops' : Secret Rocket Balls Target WMD Bunkers : Red Lights Ahead for NYC Subway Surveillance Plan : Interrogation Drugs at Gitmo Alleged : Army 'Human Terrain' Contractor Charged with Murder (Updated Again) : Experimental Shoe-Print Database Sees the Soles of Criminals : In Iraq, KBR Partner Confines 1,000 Workers in Windowless Warehouses : Army Builds Fantasy Island in Second Life : Terror-Stopping Building-Sealer Too Much for Darpa : Darpa Plan: Turn Warzone Data into Simple Stories : NATO Going Solar in Afghanistan

[Image: How Much Counterinsurgency Training?]
US referees Iraq's troubled Kurdish-Arab fault line : In the Former Cradle of Iraq's Insurgency, a U.S. Military Base Prepares to Close : J.V. Bombings : Fractures in Iraq City as Kurds and Baghdad Vie : IRAQ: Market in ruins after bulldozers move in | Babylon & Beyond : Money, Unspent, in Iraq’s Pocket : Iraqi Opinions from the Green Zone : In a desert camp, Iraqis find aid and zone of trust : Contractors Nervous About Losing Immunity in Iraq : Entrepreneurs launch hotel, business center in Baghdad : In Ramadi, U.S. Inspector Is Glad to See Real Rebuilding, With Fresh Paint : Report Spotlights Iraq Rebuilding Blunders : Official History Spotlights Iraq Rebuilding Blunders : After the carnage, life returns to Baghdad bazaars : U.S. Seeks New Supply Routes Into Afghanistan : Saudi hunger strike for prisoners : Deprogramming Jihadists : U.S. anti-terror covert ops : Vigilant Shield 09: A Cover for Illegal Domestic Operations? : Report confirms 'shadow war' waged by US special forces : Iraqi town defies Al Qaeda : Guernica / Baghdad Nights : Baghdad to kill stray dogs after fatal attacks : Baghdad on the Hudson : Blackwater To Be Fined For Illegal Weapons Shipments to Iraq : Blackwater Busted? Six Guards May Be Charged in Iraq Massacre : Shoot An Iraqi, Art, Life and Resistance Under the Gun : Live Stage: 9 Scripts from a Nation at War [Los Angeles] : New taps? Or Iraqi security? East Europeans answer the call (cheaply) : Treated Like a Terrorist by the DMV : KBR Sued for Giving Soldiers Ice with 'Traces of Body Fluids and Putrefied Remains' : Desert patrols : As Possible Afghan War-Crimes Evidence Removed, US Silent : Report Says Due Process Is Ill Served in Iraq Justice System
[Earlier peripherals ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26]
you are the man, man.
love the church/tank
dude you are in for the time of your life.
can't wait to see your own take on the tank in the end. / b
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