Just Space(s)

[Image: Photo: LATWIDNO (Land access to which is denied no one) / Sarah Lewison and Erin McGonigle, from Just Space(s), 2007.]
My friend Nick Brown along with Ava Bromberg is organizing what's going to be one of the coolest exhibitions in Los Angeles, as in there could be very few other events that would be able to rival this one in terms of relevance to our very own little project here on Subtopia.
Framed by a concept of Just Space(s) the show is an attempt to unravel how injustice is inbred in space and where activist and artistic practices can intersect in the social production of just spaces instead. Taking its cue from a special volume of Critical Planning (UCLA Journal of Urban Planning, volume 14, summer 2007) the exhibition “aims not merely to show what is unjust about our world, but to inspire visitors to consider what the active production of just space(s) might look like. Most importantly, it asks a crucial question: How do we move from injustice to justice exactly where we stand – in our neighborhoods and our institutions, at the level of the body, the home, the street corner, the city, the region, the network, the supranational trade agreement and every space within, between, and beyond?”
Just check out this list of Exhibition Projects >>>
The Corrections Documentary Project (Ashley Hunt) /// Million Dollar Blocks (Spatial Information Design Lab) /// However Unspectacular: A New Suburbanism (The Center for Urban Pedagogy) /// Detroit's Underdevelopment (Adrian Blackwell) /// The Figueroa Corridor Coalition for Economic Justice (Strategic Actions for a Just Economy) /// Syracuse City Hunger Project Maps (Syracuse Community Geography) /// LATWIDNO - Land access to which is denied no one (Sarah Lewison and Erin McGonigle) /// The Black Sea Files (Ursula Biemann) /// Political Equator (Teddy Cruz) /// Listening, Collaboration, Solidarity (CampBaltimore) /// Invisible5 (Amy Balkin, Tim Halbur, and Kim Stringfellow) /// Public Green (Lize Mogel) /// UTOPIA-dystopia (Los Angeles Poverty Department) /// disOrientation Guide (Counter-Cartographies Collective) /// Public Access 101 - Malibu Public Beaches (Los Angeles Urban Rangers) /// Spatial Justice for Ayn Hawd (Sabine Horlitz and Oliver Clemens) /// M* of Bethlehem (Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri ) /// The New Yorkers' Guide to Military Recruitment in the 5 Boroughs (Friends of William Blake) /// Secret Military Landscapes and the Pentagon's "Black World" (Trevor Paglen) /// Water Station Maps and Warning Posters (Humane Borders and No More Deaths) /// Spiral Lands (Andrea Geyer) /// Host Not Found: A Traveling Monument of the Suppression of Search (Markus Miessen and Patricia Reed) /// A People's Guide to Los Angeles (Laura Pulido) /// Spatializing Labor Campaigns (Service Employees International Union) /// Up the Ridge (Appalshop's Holler to the Hood) /// Best Not to Be Here? (Marie Cieri) /// Principles of Unity (Right to the City Alliance) /// RFK in EKY (Appalshop and John Malpede) /// A Century of Genocide in the Americas: The Residential School Experience (Rosemary Gibbons and Dax Thomas - Boarding School Healing Project) /// Dakota Commemorative March (Waziyatawin Angela Wilson and David Miller)
Just Space(s) exhibition and symposia starts next month on September 26 at LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), and will continue to November 18, 2007.
If you get the chance, you know what to do. This looks Awesome. I’m going to try and swing through at some point. Congrats Nick!
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