Getting ready for Day 3 of Postopolis! LA

Sorry I haven't relayed this sooner, in case you had known already. Postopolis! is being webcast live both on the Storefront website and For Your Art, so tune in every night at 5pm for live coverage while there's still a bit of light for a few hours. We've set up some lights for when it's gets dark, but it might be a little grainy. The Standard hotel rooftop is an absolute nest, albeit it a bit freezing by sun down, but a brilliant location, nonetheless - gives new meaning to chitter chatter. So, we've also got a Flickr pool going for constant photos, and constant Twitter updates @postopolis, combined with all the others here who are twittering the event the updates have been more or less a fascinating phenomenon in their own right - sort of like mindreading the event, or something. You can follow my own tweets here @subtopes.
Also, the LA Times mentioned it briefly here. So, we are off an running! More later.
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