Peripheral Milit_Urb 17

From inside the Danger Room: HAARP Facility Complete; Break out the Tinfoil hats / Cheyenne Mountain May Stay Open for Business / Robo-Tasers for "Pipeline" Defense (Updated) / Baghdad Walls Key to Baqubah Push? / Taser-Armed 'Bot Ready to Zap Pathetic Humans / Pentagon Goal: Render Walls "Transparent" / And, (not DR but close enough): Purdue Researchers Create Scientifically Accurate Animated Simulation of 9/11 (NYT)

Secrecy, Security and Suburbia in Baghdad / How Permanent Are Those Bases? / How US Army trains for a different kind of war / Army Looks To Expand Training Bases / Army Corps Details Flood Risks Facing New Orleans / Military focuses on development in Africa / When Iraq Is Israel / Costs Skyrocket As DHS Runs Up No-Bid Contracts / In Iraq, a Private Realm Of Intelligence-Gathering

InfoBunker: nuclear hardened data center / GSA awards development contract for new FBI Field Office in Corktown / Architect Chosen to Overhaul U.N. Headquarters / Biowarfare Research: Site 300 in Tracy, California / Inside Russia's missile defence base / Systemic Failure and Pathology / NASA looks at the next Great Wall of China / Users rage against China's 'Great Firewall' (and other China Walls) / War Graffiti / a google map mash up of cia prisons in Europe begins to take shape / Army's Greatest Inventions for 2006 / Sitting Cage / elin o'Hara slavick / Interview with the Institute for Applied Autonomy / °National Emergency / If these reefs are islands / Cities UnBuilt - VOLUME Issue #11 (A Review) / Modeling Urban Panic
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