Peripheral Milit_Urb 23

[Image: Operating Base Dwyer (above) in Helmand Province, Afghan. TIME mag, 2008. (Thanks Peter!)]
Home Office urges architects to design terror-proof buildings
Anti-Terrorism Efforts Hailed
4 Things the Roman Aqueducts Can Teach Us About Securing the Power Grid
Information Security Defense In Depth Lessons (from a Bronze-Age Fort)
Hitler Rebuilding Berlin
218 - Korea’s Dark Half

Ghost Town of Pripyat
Belgian soil hides battle scars
Seeing Palestine Through the Architecture Of Domination

West Bank roadblocks 'cause more harm than good'
New Roads, Old Danger
An end foreseen
The asymmetry of economic war
The Evolution of Cyber Warfare
A new U.S. push to release more detainees in Iraq

In Shiite Slums, Victory Must Be Won in the Alleys
Baghdad on edge as curfew bites
Big Wheels for Iraq’s Mean Streets - Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles - MRAP
Gaza issues toxic water warning

24 More Armed Robot Sentries for Base Patrol
Israeli Drones Jamming Phones in Gaza?
Armed Groups - Canadian Consortium on Human Security
The Oil factor in Kosovo
Studies: Iraq Costs US $12B Per Month
Iraq War Spending: What Could We Have Built Instead?
Weekly Architecture Film, Part 6, Ken Adam's War Room.

[Image: Winning the Battle, Losing the War, NYT, 2008.]
Taliban attack another Afghan cell phone mast
The U.S. Military's Assassination Problem
On the Trail of the Rebuilding Story, Littered With Broken Parts - Baghdad Bureau
Iran 'behind Green Zone attack'
ATLANTA ROBOT HITS STREETS / Down-and-outers are targets of bar owner's 'Bum Bot'
Barbarians are within the gate
E-games to test infrastructure security

Afghanistan To Get 'Big Brother' Cameras
EU Plans Biometric Border Checks
Biometrics screening for Olympics workers
Empire State Building Zapping Cars Dead?
US spy satellite plan 'a cover'
Homeland Security Training NYC Firefighters to Spy
DC's Best Embassies
What lies beneath
Infrared LEDs make you invisible to CCTV cameras
Amsterdam Tries Upscale Fix for Red-Light District Crime
The most spied upon people in Europe
Urban computing: looking forward and looking backward
US christens '9/11 steel' warship
If You Can't Hear It.... You're Too Old
Those Pesky Teens
Camera 'looks' through clothing
RFID tech turned into spy chips for clandestine surveillance

Engineers Test Highly Accurate Face Recognition
BIRC system gives a new layer of bio-terrorism defense 3/28/08
How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain and Control the Earth and it’s Eco-System
Los Alamos: 19 Nuke Violations, 57 Classified Info Breaches in Five Years
Predicting Terrorist Attacks
Inside the Multimillion-Dollar Battle to Host the Air Force's New 'Cyber Command'
'Tunnel of Truth' for Airport Security
U.S. Embassy in Baghdad Holds Garage Sale
Light + Sound = New Weapon
I Was a Sonic Blaster Guinea Pig
How To Plan a (Counter) Terror Tour
Boing Boing tv - Technology and the Iraq War: Noah Shachtman at ETech
BLDGBLOG: Chemical Geography
Film casts light on rough justice in Rio
Military artists capture realities of the war zone

Ricker melts guns, turns metal into art
China feels pressure over North Koreans
It's Time To Demilitarize US Policy in Africa
'Manners police' hit Japan metros

Life Without Buildings: BLOCK
[Earlier peripherals ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22]
In response to the LED headband that blocks CCTV. This device seems a lot like a standard head mounted cyclist light, which makes me wonder how recognizable I am while I'm riding my bike. It certainly would be a more practical way of implimenting this idea (since a band of LED's on my head is pretty suspicious and attention grabbing for anything more than a political statement) It might also possibly explains why they couldn't get an ID on the cyclist who bombed the recruiting centre in NY.
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