The Young and the Restless [Subtopia in San Diego]

Two weeks from tonight I will be in San Diego giving a presentation for the Woodbury University School of Architecture. The Lecture Series, entitled ‘The Young and the Restless,’ began last year and continues through April focusing on young architects who are engaged in dynamic volatile urban areas and/or are working within other venues and media, like blogs, non profits, publishers, etc. A refreshing focus, to say the least.
Being that this is my first ever official public lecture-like presentation as the author of Subtopia, I am super excited about this. So let me just say thanks right now to Rene Peralta and Teddy Cruz for inviting me, and to Andrea Dietz for helping to organize it all. This should be really cool, and I’ll also be touring Tijuana a bit while I'm there,too, with Rene, who (as you may or not know) pulled together the Arch League’s amazing Worldview focus on the city a while back, and who co-wrote the fascinating book, Here Is Tijuana!

As I am hardly a lecturer, an educator, or even an architect for that matter, I promise to be bouncy, nervous and a bit freaked out for ya. But, don’t let my little social phobias scare you off. If you're interested in hearing about global migration and the mock military hyrdology of global border controls in urban contexts of the War on Terror and globalization, and the concept of this nomadic fortress thing I keep yammering on about, then come on down and hang out for an hour or so. I think they're even serving tacos afterwards --yum yum--so, at the very least you won’t go home starved. And, it’d be cool to meet any of you out there who have somehow kept interested in our little chronicle here. And if you can't make it that night, then consider catching some of the other presentations either before or after, there's a lot of intriguing speakers lined up.
Details: Thurs. night, January 24th, at 7:00pm / Woodbury University School of Architecture , 1060 8th Ave., San Diego. It will be held in the gallery. See you there!
Hello Bryon,
My name is Jesie Kelly and I'm an alumni of Woodbury University, Burbank campus. I have been reading your blog for about the last year and a half. I 've really enjoyed your posts. I have actually been doing alot of work reguarding the middle east and have always stayed current with your posts on the Seperation Wall. Feel free to read my blog and make comments on a couple of projects that I have done in Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.
thanks for your comment and pointing to your projects. i will definitely check them out and your blog when i get a chance. sounds interesting.
if you are gonna be there thurs night be sure to introduce yourself. would be good to hear more live.
see ya! and thanks again for the nice words .
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