Tuesday, January 10, 2006
War Play
[Image: An urban warfare training site in Israel's Negev desert. From the archive of Oliver Canarin and Adam Broomberg.
A Line in the Sand
, January 1, 2006/
posted by Bryan Finoki •
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Written by
Bryan Finoki
Previous Posts
Archeology of Espionage
Russian Military Raining Churches-in-a-box from the Sky (Priests Included)
Decoding Military Landscapes: #demilit
Subtopia Lecture: Ruin Machine
Peripheral Milit_Urb 30
Subtopes B-lining to San Diego
Hutong Cemeteries
Over the Siege 2: Recycling the Wall
Over the Siege
The Green Yonder
Peripheral Milit_Urb 29
On Archiving the Architectural Signatures of Torture
Sand Dragon
“Little Guantanamo”
Tunnelizing Migration 4: An Exploration in Void Reclamation
An About Page (For Now)
No Matter, a Border's Still a Border
An Ode to the Anonymous Audience of Postopolis!
Getting ready for Day 3 of Postopolis! LA
Tunnelizing Migration 3: From Headwalls to Super Walls
Floating Fences 1 (Imperial County)
Postopolis! LA Fast Approaching
Black Houses, Black Jails
Tunnelizing Migration 1: The Border Tunnel Capital of North America
Galleries for the Art of War Play
The "Legislative Violence" of Gaza
Captives of Lewis and Clark
The Floating Labor Camps of the Now
Snake Tunnels in Taliban Territory
Asia's Underground Railroad
Military Suburbanism: How to Plan for Pure War
Peripheral Milit_Urb 28
Inside Long Beach's New Panoptic Nerve Center
The Return of POSTOPOLIS!
LA's Surveillance Timeblades
Towards a Nomadic Fortress [Refuge/Refugee]
Occupying Slum
Measuring DC's Inaugural Security Blanket
Baghdad’s Post-Blast Wall Bibliothèque
A Few Reads on Gaza
The Spatial Instrumentality of Torture: An Interview with Tom Hilde
Peripheral Milit_Urb 27
The Killer Drone's Afghani Hive
A Portrait of Pirates
Scarecrow Hacking at the Border
Redefining Walls
When Voting Blocs Collide…
A Subtopian Rainbow Under Your Feet
Great Walls of Fire
The Millipedic Limbs of Military Spending
Peripheral Milit_Urb 26
Of Declarations and the Immigrant Imaginary
From a Semi to a Fully Automatic Border
A Scarecrow Empire
Cloning The Border Abroad
Afghanistan's Compounds of Water Wealth
Conflict Signatures and Nomadic Light
Another Dammed Border Fence Floodzone
Getting Ready for a Radical Roundup in Denver
Flooding the Border with
Security Preserves
Great Wall 6?
"Prisoner Boxes"
Peripheral Milit_Urb 25
An Olympic Distraction
In the Wake of The Devil's Breath
Baghdad's Teetering Floors
Shipping Justice
A Perpetual Motion War On Terror
Inertia Gems
Inside 61, 600 sq. ft.
Blackwater's Border Bypass
ME$EX 2008
of Steel and Bone
Peripheral Milit_Urb 24
The Vertical Stage of War
Just Another British Torture Sanctuary?
where truces and cease fires grow on trees…
The Rise and Fall of Blackwater in Potrero
Blackwater bubbling under the border skin...
The Storefront is getting a little 'military urbanism' makeover
Torture Space: Architecture in Black
Absolut Mexico!
"Block D" Enters the Pantheon of GWOT Space
Al Quds Street, Sadr City
Missin' the AAG '08
The Desert Pearl of Privatopia
The Art of Jumping Fences
In the Business of Blast Walls
Peripheral Milit_Urb 23
Policetown, UK
Suicidal Urbanism: The City as IED
Blackwater packs it up in Potrero
Walling Up the Rio Grande
The Urban Radiologist
Upon Closer Examination of 'The Gates'
Subtopia, back from the dead, with eternal thanks to Pruned!
MOUT Urbanism
Peripheral Milit_Urb 22
Hot Rod Border Facades
Camp 7 and The Platinum Captives
Via Anelli's Wall
A small death in the
nomadic fortress'
Diagnosing Slum
My very own border outpost
at the border...
: OUA :
In the White House's Shadow
The Young and the Restless [
in San Diego]
Floating Prisons, and Other Miniature Prefabricated Islands of Carceral Territoriality
Peripheral Milit_Urb 21
A new multiplicitous wall regime
Resisting Blackwater Sprawl
Squatter Imaginaries
An Exceptional Paradise
Centre 127
Tracking Border Ghosts with Ronen Eidelman
A Dialogue on Walls with Jay Isenberg
Justice Barred
A Camp Called Justice
If there is life in Flint...
Fossils of Refuge
Switchboard Regime
Return to Panic
Peripheral Milit_Urb 20
the Wall around Adhamiya
De-swastikating the aerial landscape
Imperial Blue
Welcome to the Ring Dome
The Wall as Mayor
The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 2)
Subverting "Military IKEA"
"Fenceland" (The Greatest Show On Earth!)
Surge Walls
On the trail of a humane architecture...
Border Shots: UT/NV line, wendover
Peripheral Milit_Urb 19
Architect Magazine
Wall as Narrator
Just Space(s)
The Rule of Law Complex
G8 Walls
Peripheral Milit_Urb 18
The Politics of the Car Bomb
The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 1)
Hydrologic border suture
Stacking Fear
Re-urbanizing the Homeless
Tent City Surveillatopia
The Rat-Proof Fence
The Military Planks of Capital Accumulation: An Interview with Neil Smith
Peripheral Milit_Urb 17
Looney Tunes
at the border...
Intersections with Informality
Underneath the Armory
Extreme Border Sports
An Exodus with Nowhere to Go
The Art of Fencestration
The DARPA Trip
Balochistan Divided
The Automated Border
Subtopia Meets Lebbeus Woods
The Great Wall of Music
Post-Postopolis! Blues
The Birth of the Red and White Pole
Border Bound
Subtopia heads to NYC
Babylon's Crowning Achievement
2 Books on Ireland's Haunted Walls
'Enclosure, Emancipatory Communication and the Global City'
Peripheral Milit_Urb 16
Urbanization of Panic
Inhabiting The Wall
Concrete: Canvas of Resistance
Bunker Touring in Berlin
The Great Urban Divide
Border to Border, Wall to Wall, Fence to Fence
The Secret Making of an Execution Chamber
Peering into the Arenas of War
The "Village"
Casting the SBINet
Stealth Wall Removal
the graveyard of a defiant architecture at war
Tracking Blackwater in Potrero
(also) at the checkpoint ...
At the Checkpoint
Peripheral Milit_Urb 15
The State of FEMA
Inside the Danger Room
The Green Line
Face to Face
Gitmo Courthouse Compound goes
bye bye
A Lonely Cyclops
Towards a New Visualization of Secrecy?
Doing Time on Christmas Island
carceral urbanism: the CMU and the Arab round-up
Guantánamo and the Border Exodus
Baseworld Archipelago Meltdown
Wes on the Rust Belt
Bunker Sprawl
Peripheral Milit_Urb 14
Repurposing the Settlements
Circus of Detention
31 days in Iraq
(un)Documented Disappearance
On Border Tunnel Infill
Fantasy Prison
Terminal in Bethlehem
The Slippery Slopes of Chaos
Peripheral Milit_Urb 13
U.S. vs. Mexico (Border Ball is On!)
... and flying Pentagons, too.
Day Laborer Space
Facing the Wall
Border Fences-R-Us
at the border...
Orwellian Wormholes
The Sectarian Faultlines of Baghdad
"Sweet Tea"
A "Military Sublime"
an unordinary seam where sky and sand meet
Great Wall Preservatives
Architectural Clairvoyance and the Spaces of Terrorist Prevention
Peripheral Milit_Urb 12
Little Hidden TeleTerrain
DIY shelters save an ancient city
A Bunker Reborn
Entropic Landscapes
A Porcelain Fence
'Tactical Infrastructure' and the 'Border Calculus'
A Mini-city for Trying Terror
Wall(s) of Light
The Participatory Panopticon
at the border...
Resist the Apartheid Walls, from Palestine to Mexico
"the garbage settlement"
Some Border Events
Ceuta and Melilla
'Conflict Urbanism': City of Collision
Cross-country pod-hoppin'
the innovation of desperation.
More Fence Sprouts
a little guardian angel barricade...
Peripheral Milit_Urb 11
An Embroidered Wall
"The Rain Forest" of Iraq
Non-borders, Anti-borders, and the Run-on border
MexiCali Style
The Saudi's Immigrant-hunting Border Fence (
the nomadic fortress
part 2)
Maps, Maps, Maps
The Internal Fringes of America
Cities as Impostors
Padua's Berlin Wall
Peripheral Milit_Urb 10
'Urbanites of Surveillance'
The Liminal Architects
Mount Weather Gets a Little Facelift
carceral urbanism: San Pedro Prison (Bolivia)
Through the Turnstile
Borderline Vertigo
Ruins of Lebanon
Touring the Greenbrier
Peripheral Milit_Urb 9
Strange New World
Secret Cities of the A-Bomb
War as Vacation
(In)visibility: A Portrait of the Globalized Family
Brutal Urbanism
Welcome to America
Call it 'Border Ball'
Subfuturism Under Tokyo
Life Under Bombs
Captive landscapes: Post-Base residue in South Korea
The Immigrant, The Camp, and The NYSE
Peripheral Milit_Urb 8
Tijuana River Re-realized
Cruz along the border...
Migrant Structures
Violent Architectures
Peripheral Milit_Urb 7
'Military Omniscience'
Area 71
Evaporating Palestine
carceral urbanism: a life in Ethiopia's sewers...
An Equator of Borderzones
Security as status symbol
Imaging Mugabe's Squatter Urbicide
Sim Baghdad
Washington's New 'Survival City'
Peripheral Milit_Urb 6
War Room
An Inadvertent Fortress Moat
DIY infrastructure
Carceral Wombs
An Apartheid Travel System
Congrats to Eyal Weizman
Peripheral Milit_Urb 5
KBR, Iraq
Rival Actions: at the border...
Cities Made by War
Three Ehxibits: on Walls & Political Divide
Peripheral Milit_Urb 4
Life after slums
A Silo Full of Cash
Secret Soviet Submarine Base
More Camouflage Jazzercise
Fortress Baghdad
Seeing Elsewhere
Genealogy of the 'Car Bomb'
Of cities and security
The 'Long War' enters its capsule
Kathmandu, Under Lockdown
The Underground Geographer
Mine Awareness
Subterranean Urbanism
Vegas, baby!
Apocalypse Inc.
Clean Air Bombs
Classic Shelter
Wes Janz Interview
Peripheral Milit_Urb 3
S.W.A.T. Nation
The Gates of Hydrological War
Tokyo Secret City
Bunker Archaeology
Hiding in perspective
Our favorite color camouflage
in the Urban Periphery of Monterrey
A Preamble to Insecticide (pt. 1)
urban syntax:
at the border...
The Militarization of Space
Slum Ecology
Walkthrough Gitmo:
the de-restricted fortress
Virtual Police State
Peripheral Milit_Urb 2
"Thinking of Walls"
Border CTRL
My mushrooms eat bombs for breakfast
AirWater machines for guerrilla infrastructure
(W)architecture & Identity
"New City" Najaf
Suiting Wasps for War
Dig Dug
& the
Deep Digger
Globalization of Forced Migration, and
the nomadic fortress
FEMA, Wasted
Instant Democracy: The Pneumatic Parliament
Peripheral Milit_Urb 1
CCTV as Icon
Architects of Nebulous Detention
The Guns that guard The Guns
Cutting to (and from)
The Chase
fortress urbanism:
Super Bowl City
Atomic Monarch (
Danaus Plexippus: Plutonium Lepidoptera
Tent City Urbanism
Post-apartheid carceral territoriality
a 'Pet Rock' for her Majesty's Secret Service
Battlespace Media
Humanitarian Colonialism
Smugglers' Paradise Uprooted
[Re] improvising sub_Base landscapes
'Everybody Is Somebody's Terrorist'
Good Buildings, Bad Buildings
GoogleMapping War
We Build – We Fight
Earth bubbles
Living in Olivion
Withus Oragainstus
"Architect of Ruins"
Post-DMZ Paradise
Blast Scapes
Booby-trap Country
The Panoptic Arcade
War Play
Bethlehem Prison City Gates
Digging with Bombs
Locative Sniping
Secret Synagogue
The Entomomechanophilic Army
nomadic urbanism: future FEMA slugs?
Mt. Seemore and the watchful gaze
Shopping Guide 2: gasping for last minute gifts
The Albino Hummer
monkmobiles for bulletproof Buddhas
CCTV Trees
Shopping Guide 1: 'the gift of a gun'
from Leftover-Bunkers to Tourist-Traps...
Green Grenades
and BattleBoxes for All...
A "Closed Atomic City": Open for Business
Bioluminescence of Chemical Warfare
From 'Happy Meal' to 'BattleBox'
2 nomadic urbanisms
Baseworld Archipelago
Peripheral Milit_Urb
The Spatial Instrumentality of Torture: An Interview with Tom Hilde
Tracking Border Ghosts with Ronen Eidelman
A Dialogue on Walls with Jay Isenberg
The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 2)
The City in the Crosshairs: A Conversation with Stephen Graham (Pt. 1)
The Military Planks of Capital Accumulation: An Interview with Neil Smith
Subtopia Meets Lebbeus Woods
One Small Project: Wes Janz
Hitching Stealth with Trevor Paglen
De:constructing Recidivism: Interview with Raphael Sperry
Past Events
Postopolis! LA
(March 31 - April 4, 2009)
Guest Speaker
Ball State University
, Indiana, Sept. 18 - 23, 2007 & Sept. 30 - Oct. 5 in SoCal (U.S.-Mex. Border Crawl)
"Towards a Humane Architecture" (with
Wes Janz
) / Photo by
Neal Oshima
, October, 2006
at the
in NYC, May 29 - June 2, 2007.
City of Sound
Guest Speaker at
The Young and the Restless
Lecture Series
Woodbury University School of Architecture
, Thurs., Jan. 24th, 7:00PM, San Diego, CA, & Fri. Jan. 25th, 7:00PM, at
Estacion Tijuana
, Tijuana, Mexico.
in the Periphery...
Sonic Warfare
Lebbeus Woods
Super Colossal
Border Battles
Beat Diaspora
Danger Room
27B Stroke 6
New Mobilities
archive: s0metim3s
The Living War Memorial
Magical Urbanism
Defense Tech
City of Sound
CityStates: The IUS Blog
Earth Architecture
Bombs and Shields
Forced Migration Current Awareness
John Robb's Blog
Global Guerrillas
Schneier on Security
Global Heartland
The Architecture of Fear
Architectures of Control
Arms Control Wonk
Sharon Weinberger
we make money not art
Critical Spatial Practice
Hajo Schilperoort
Architecture My Ninja Please
Progressive Reactionary
Space and Culture
Network Culture
Enjoy Surveillance
Homeland Security Watch
Secrecy News
Human Security > Cities
at the border...
Smart Mobs
Migrant Matters
Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
aggregät 4/5/6
Anonymous 1%
Alien Intelligencer
Polar Inertia
Proyectos 6y7
Some Spectral Browsing
The Divide
The Politics of Verticality: Eyal Weizman
The Art of War: Eyal Weizman
Lethal Theory: Eyal Weizman
Switching Socieities Off: Stephen Graham (pdf)
Who's Responsible?: Derek Gregory
AFH: Open Architecture Network
One Small Project
Subterranea Britannica
Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine
SAFE: Design Takes On Risk
INDEX:2005 Design to Improve Life
Shelter Associates
Virtual Security.Net
Human Security > Cities
delete The Border
Why We Fight (a film by Eugene Jarecki)
Arsenal of Hypocrisy
BLDGBLOG: Mike Davis Interview pt. 1
Archinect: Re(di)stricting
BLDGBLOG: A miniature city waiting for attack
BLDGBLOG: Psychovideography / 'Fortress Urbanism'
BLDGBLOG: Thousand Mile Colosseum
Archinect Feature: Hitching Stealth
at the border...
Archinect: Architectural Demolition in the Age of Cultural Cleansing
Pruned: Tactical geoannexations
Pruned: Earth-Fountain Redux
Pruned: Notes on Some Selections...
Some Books
Indefensible Space: Micheal Sorkin
Hollow Land: Eyal Weizman
Violent Geographies: Gregory & Pred
The Colonial Present: Derek Gregory
City of Collision: Misselwitz & Rieniets
Cities Under Siege: Steve Graham
Space and Power: Paul Hirst
Splintering Urbanism: Steve Graham
Military Fortifications: Dale E. Floyd
Buda's Wagon: Mike Davis
City of Panic: Paul Virilio
Shadow Cities: Robert Neuwirth
City of Quartz: Mike Davis
Design Like You Give a Damn: Sinclair & Stohr
Planet of Slums: Mike Davis
The Destruction of Memory: Bevan
Bunker Archaeology: Virilio &
War and Architecture: Lebbeus Woods
Against the Wall: Michael Sorkin
Cities, War, and Terrorism: Steve Graham
Fortress America: Matthew Brzezinski
Fear & Space
Corporate Warriors: P. W. Singer
The Making of the Mexican Border
Barrio Urbanism: David R. Diaz
Quonset Hut: Metal Living For The Modern Age
Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers Under French Rule: Zeynep Çelik
Weapons Grade: David Hambling
The Next Jerusalem: Michael Sorkin
Urban informality: Roy & Alsayyad
Land, Rights and Innovation: Mutter & Payne
Informal City: Caracas Case: Brillembourg, Feireiss & Klumpner
Survival City: Tom Vanderbilt
Post-Military Society: Martin Shaw
Proving Grounds: Scott Kirsch
Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy
Studio at Large: Bell, Palleroni & Merkelbach
Domesticity at War: Beatriz Colomina
Contested Lands: Sumantra Bose
All words on this blog are the intellectual property of the author
Bryan Finoki
except where otherwise noted.
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