(In)visibility: A Portrait of the Globalized Family

[Image: On unexpected sites in the Pretoriusstraat, a neighbourhood with a largely mixed population, artists of various disciplines were asked to place a work, or installation in shop-windows or on other locations. Peeping in is allowed and even required. 'STADSGUERRILLA' - 'Guerrilla in the city' was inspired by the fashion of civilian clothes made from camouflage printed fabrics. The family in this work is dressed in their finest outfits, like the ones people wear on weddings or other very special occasions, but the costumes are made from textiles with a camouflage print. This father, mother and their two children are dressed spotlessly, but prefer to remain invisible as a family. Pretoriusstraat, Amsterdam (2004)] (via: ARTBBQ)
See these earlier posts for more on the "camotopia": More Camouflage Jazzercise; Hiding in perspective; Our favorite color camouflage.
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